Thursday, May 2, 2013

Coursera review: computational finance and financial econometrics

In this series of posts, I will share some experiences from the on-line learning platform

Today: Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics by Eric Zivot from University of Washington.

1. What is the course about?

The course gives an introduction to computational finance methods, mainly related to stock market investments.

The course includes video lecturing, discussion groups, test quizzes, programming assignments and a final exam (test quiz).

Level: 3rd year undergraduate.

2. Who should use it?

2.1. University students, in particular in technical disciplines like mathematics, computer science or engineering.

2.2. Working professionals in the finance sector or talented financial journalists as a form of relaxation.

3. Who should NOT use it?

3.1. Day-traders, chartists and any other dreamers thinking that the course would have any relevance to their investment strategies.

3.2. People who think that the course might have a significant impact on their career, both as a certification and as a know-how-set.

4. What is the best thing about this course?

You get exposed to R, the most powerful language for statistical data modelling.

5. What is the worst thing about this course?

The quality of video lectures is below the coursera standard. The first half of the course if absolutely boring for anybody with statistics knowledge. Overall, for industry professionals the course is easy to an extend that kills all pleasure of taking it. 

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