Thursday, May 2, 2013

Coursera Review: Foundations of Business Strategy

In this series of posts, I will share some experiences from the on-line learning platform

Today: Foundations of Business Strategy by prof. Michael J. Lenox from Virginia University / Darden School of Business.

1. What is the course about?

The course gives a basic tool-set for analysis of competitive positioning of a firm.

The course includes video lecturing, discussion groups, test quizzes, and a peer-reviewed final project (3-15 pages analysis of the competitive position of a firm, chosen, researched and written by each student).

Level: 2nd or 3rd year undergraduate.

2. Who should use it?

2.1. University students, in particular in disciplines like business administration or economics, but also as an enhancement to any other major.

2.2. Working professionals as a form of relaxation.

2.3. People being at or considering moving to any level management position, starting from product management up to the CxO level.

3. Who should NOT use it?

3.1. Entrepreneurs doing or planning to do a start-up might find it less useful for their purposes.

3.2. People who think that the course might have a significant impact on their career, both as a certification and as a know-how-set.

4. What is the best thing about this course?

It introduces a nice set of fairly visual tools which might be helpful for a presentation at management level. Experienced lecturer!

5. What is the worst thing about this course?

It touches very briefly upon interesting topics from macro-economics (e.g. Ricardian economics in the context of competitiveness) but unfortunately does not go into the necessary detail. As a mathematician I was so sorry to see a meaningful plot demonstrating some macroeconomic equilibrium shown for a few minutes and disappearing without being properly defined and explained.


Pseudonym Ous said...


I really wanted to follow this course, but unfortunately I didn't have the time. I have the time now, but unfortunately the lectures have been deleted from Coursera because the course is officially finished! I think it's a real shame that they don't archive the lectures for people to view / review at a later date.

Anyway, I was wondering if you had the video files by any chance? Or do you know of any way in which I can obtain them? I would be really grateful to you if you could help me out with this in any way. Thanks very much in advance!

Pseudonym Ous said...


I really wanted to follow this course, but unfortunately I didn't have the time. I have the time now, but unfortunately the lectures have been deleted from Coursera because the course is officially finished! I think it's a real shame that they don't archive the lectures for people to view / review at a later date.

Anyway, I was wondering if you had the video files by any chance? Or do you know of any way in which I can obtain them? I would be really grateful to you if you could help me out with this in any way. Thanks very much in advance!

Krassimir said...

No I do not have the video lectures, but I will check if they are available on the archive web-site. Anyway I believe the course will be offered again, at the latest next year same time.